Tuesday 27 December 2016

From Wrinkles To Fine Lines Envidia Skin Testimony Video AFRICA

ENVIDIA -  Skin Restorative Serum, by Total Life Changes

The patented formulation is intended to produce the following results:

  • Reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sun damage for a youthful complexion
  • Help firm and tone the skin on face, neck and chest
  •  Designed to improve the texture and even skin tone for all skin types
Envidia is formulated with patented human growth factor technology which includes: growth factors, cytokines, chaperone proteins, peptides and other active ingredients.  This patented formulation of bio active materials is intended to help revitalize the skin and promote a firmer, younger looking complexion. This serum is designed to naturally accelerate the skin’s renewal process by providing the damaged skin cells with the necessary components of healthy, youthful skin. By supporting collagen synthesis, Envidia may greatly improve the elasticity of the skin and the appearance of smoother skin.

Cell Communicating Peptides

Cell Communicating Peptides are the main active proprietary ingredient containing growth factors that emit biological signals involved with cell growth and function. Our growth factors come from our licensed human progenitor cells lines derived from skin. They are grown within ideal laboratory conditions where they can thrive and produce growth factors. The conditioned media they grow in contains the growth factors and proteins that have been secreted by the cells.  This media is then prepared and formulated into what makes our serum.  Understanding this may help dispel myths (and fears) that new human cells are topically applied after being extracted for each batch of cosmetics.

The protein families contained with the conditioned media send signals locally to our skin cells, including our own stem cells. Some of these proteins are involved in angiogenesis and wound healing while others can promote the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, like collagen,

and inhibit matrix degradation (thinning of your skin).

Instructions for use:
After cleansing, apply a small quantity of serum onto clean fingers and gently apply over the entire face, neck and chest areas.  For optimum results, apply morning and evenings on clean dry skin.

Ingredient List:
Cell Communicating Peptides, Water(Aqua), Glycerin, Polysorbate
20, Cellulose Gum, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Lactic
Acid, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Phenoxyethanol,
1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol


Store in cool, dark place.

Total Life Changes

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How To Become Director With Total Life Changes TLC No MUSIC

Total Life Changes Stormy Wellington

Monday 10 October 2016

My Slideshow

My Slideshow


Sonya http://foreverliving.com/page/products/all-products/6-cosmetics/usa/en

Catch Me on 073 959 5744

New Products http://foreverliving.com/page/products/new-products/tza/en


Bee Products http://foreverliving.com/page/products/all-products/8-bee-products/tza/en

Catch Me on 073 959 5744


Essential Oils http://foreverliving.com/page/products/essential-oils/tza/en

http://foreverliving.com/page/products/essential-oils/tza/enCacth me on 073 959 5744



Saturday 8 October 2016

Extracted from FitN(nOT mY oRIGINAL wRITING)

Now really, how does C9 work – scientifically

Okay, for the scientists… in the first two days we are living on a more or less liquid diet of high nutrition and low calories.
At the same time, we drink loads of Aloe Vera Gel to clean our system of toxins.
Now, Aloe Vera Gel has a history stretching back many thousands of years and has hundreds of studies – all of which show that high quality inner leaf gel is safe and effective in the vast majority of cases (exceptions include extremes – such as very heavy drug users – medical or recreational – who need to be more careful with the cleansing effect of the aloe vera).
In essence, the science to date explains it as follows; our fat cells become surrounded by toxins. These toxins come from our convenience or processed diets, toxins in the atmosphere, our homes, our cars and environment.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Network Marketing Strategies Used By 6-Figure Earners

Network Marketing Strategies Used By 6-Figure Earners

Acknowledgement Article Written By J. Neaston

It doesn’t matter what Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing Company you are in, if you don’t have some solid Network Marketing Strategies to follow then you are surely going to burn out due to lack of results.
In fact it is really lack of results or probably moreso the expecting of easy results that has given Network Marketing such a bad rep. A lot of people end up joining a Network Marketing company and a month later when they haven’t made any money they call it a “Scam,” a“Pyramid Scheme” or something along those lines.
The reason why most people don’t make any money in Network Marketing is for 1 of 2 reasons.
  1. They have the “get rich quick” mentality and are not willing to hustle
  2. They don’t have a sound strategy to follow in order to see results
Unfortunately I can’t do anything about the first reason because that comes down to you.
In case you need a reminder, there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. Just like anything in life you need to be willing to hustle (put in hard work) to see results and get to where you want to be. You can’t get something for nothing. That is why I always try to be as realistic and blunt with everything I write, to avoid people believing that they can live it large without putting in any effort.
The second reason, however, is something that can somewhat be controlled.
Generally when you join a Network Marketing company you are given some guidance as to how to succeed recruiting people into your business opportunity. The problem is though that this guidance is often vague, overused and or not very effective. That is why it is my goal to create the ultimate Network Marketing Strategies that if followed will allow you to see some phenomenal results.
I created these strategies with those part of the Internet Lifestyle Network in mind, but they can be applied to any Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing business. It is also worth noting that all of these strategies utilize Internet Marketing rather than stereotypical approaches like cold calling, hosting home parties etc… because who wants to do that? 

Network Marketing Strategies

  • Powerhouse Blogging: You have probably heard that blogging can be extremely beneficial to any Network Marketing business, but the problem is most people don’t know how to blog effectively. In my Powerhouse Blogging strategy I dive into how you can utilize a simple blog to get on the first page of Google for terms your audience are searching for to essentially create a money making machine. Wooooshhh… That’s the sound of your cash faucet, that with every blog post gets loader and loader.
  • Insane Lead Generation: Everyone knows that you can utilize the internet to generate leads for your Network Marketing business, but most people fail miserably at it. If you are ready to generate an insane amount of leads with very little effort and in a short amount of time than this strategy was made especially for you. Hey! Do you hear that? That’s the sound of an army of highly targeted leads coming your way.
These are just some of the strategies I have up my sleeve, be sure to bookmark this page because I will be adding more regularly.
Additionally don’t worry if a strategy isn’t linked yet, it simply means I am still in the process of finalizing it. I don’t release a strategy until it is 100% gold. If you would like to get my strategies early, however, I can hook you up big.

Other Resources

  • SEO For Network Marketers: There is no point blogging or even utilizing the internet to better your Network Marketing business unless you have a basic understanding of Search Engine Optimization. Unless you are on the first page of Google for specific terms your audience is search for how do you expect people to find your site? In this Network Marketer’s Guide to SEO I dive into everything you need to know to rank #1 on Google, Bing, Yahoo and any other search engine you might come across.
    • Web 2.0 Backlink Formula: Learn which websites I use on a daily basis to help my articles rank on the first page of Google for whatever term I want.
    • Blog Commenting For Backlinks: Blog commenting can be a powerful way to get backlinks to your website, but only if you understand what you are doing. Allow me to share with you the best way to get high quality blog comments that will pass along link juice.
    • Sitemap Hijacking: Keyword research can be a pain, so why not rely on another successful website’s keywords instead of finding your own?
    • Make Google Love Your Site: Ensure that you aren’t kicking yourself in the foot by not following Google’s standards. In this guide you are shown how to make Google love your site, which will result in faster rankings.
  • Network Marketing Blog Creation:How can you expect to utilize the internet to promote your Network Marketing business unless you have a blog!? More importantly a blog that converts visitors into leads so that you can actually recruit people into your business opportunity. In this guide I dive into the exact formula I use to setup 6-figure earning blogs.
  • Get Cheap $0.02 Facebook Clicks: Stop spending obscene amount of money on PPC (price per click advertising) that results in wishy washy results. Learn how the Pros get Facebook clicks as cheap as $0.02 and how to create an effective Facebook ad.
Are you ready for more Network Marketing secrets? Hustle on over here next.

Monday 20 June 2016

Succesful MLM leaders... South Africa Great Read

Disclaimer,I am not the writer,the article had no name that i could credit.Extraxted from home business site.Great Read 

The Secrets of Successful MLM Leaders

Successful MLM Leaders“In today’s article we explore the secrets of successful MLM leaders; revealing why failure is not an option they entertain, and how you can follow in their footsteps”

Could it be true? Is there insider knowledge that only successful MLM leaders know? Do they gather together insecret societies and plot their takeover of the MLM industry? Are they really obsessed with keeping everyone else in thepoor house? If you’ve struggled to find success yourself then it can certainly feel like that sometimes.

But here’s a News Flash: Successful MLM leaders are human beings just like you. They are made of exactly the same stuff, and what they can do, YOUcan also do. What they all have in common is simply a set of principles they’ve followed to reach the heights of success. And these principles can be followed by anyone.

How do Successful MLM Leaders Get to the Top? 

Well firstly; right from the start, the vast majority of MLM Leaders treated their businesses like a“REAL” business. They understood that building a successful MLM business required the same level of focus and commitment to creating anything else of true value. Even if the fee to start the business was only $100, it needed to be taken as seriously as if they had invested a million

These entrepreneurs always started their businesses with a clear plan of action. They set goals for what they wanted to achieve and they worked gradually towards them. They were fully devoted to doing whatever was necessary to achieve those goals. Can you say the same thing?

Everything they’ve done to move their business forward, they’ve treated as an investment in their future. When the need to invest in training and education was there, they did it. When the company events were hosted, they were there. They constantly improved their skills as network marketers, understanding that the income they make is based 100% on the value they possess and thenumber of lives they are impacting.

How Quickly do MLM Leaders Find Success?

It’s important to realize that the majority of heavy hitters in the MLM industry have often taken years to build their businesses to where they are today. So don’t feel disgruntled if success hasn’t found you yet. It’s common for successful MLM leaders to have initially failed in the first few months (and often years) of their network marketing career.

But because they had total commitment to achieving their goals (along with a strong entrepreneurial spirit to guide them) they always believed in themselves enough to push through the initial set-backs and challenges. They learnt from their mistakes and simply kept moving forward. 

The idea of working from home can often create false ideas of life being easy and relaxed, but the reality is; in order to create top level results you must eat, live and breathe the business. It goes without saying that successful MLM leaders work extremely hard! This doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy life at the same time, but as with achieving anything worthwhile, hard work and dedication is always the foundation. 

What do the Top MLM Leaders Focus on?

Successful MLM leaders understand that sponsoring andrecruiting is the only real profit generating activity in the network marketing arena. So they spend 80 to 90% of their business activity sponsoring and recruiting.

Think about it; you only get paid to move product, and the most successful way to move a lot of product is to have a lot of active distributors, both consuming the products and promoting the products.

With sponsoring and recruiting being the main activity which puts money in their pockets, the top leaders have constantly improved their skills in this area, to become true masters of the art. Becoming a master recruiter does not mean they became pushy salespeople. Any successful MLM Leader will tell you; they became “problem solvers” and “trusted advisers” in the minds of their prospects.  

So are you able to become an MLM leader? Of course; but here are a few things you should consider… 

Are you willing to invest 3-5 years to build your business? Are you content to schedule time, each and every day, to move your business forward? At what point will you consider yourself one of the successful MLM leaders? What is the income goal you have in mind? Do you have an action plan? Because without one you’re not going anywhere!

How will you go about training a team to also achieve success? What will happen if your company’s fantastic product turns out to be a huge failure after two years. What will you do then? 

If there is a “secret” to becoming a top MLM leader, it’s understanding how to be a true business person, and not just a “sales rep” or “distributor” for your company. True entrepreneurs willovercome all obstacles in order to achieve success. A “sales rep” certainly won’t have the same level of commitment when the going gets tough.

Finally (and most importantly) the most successful MLM leaders are dedicated to the success of their teams. They know that their downline’s success is the key to everything. Simply put; the more people they help achieve success, the greater their own results will be. This is why the network marketing industry is such a wonderful industry to be apart of. Place your focus firmly on helping other people, and your own success is guaranteed.

P.S. If you’re dedicated to becoming a successful MLM leader then be sure to join our Inner Circle below and get access to the tips and training no one else gets…

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Aspirant Top Earner In Network Marketing In South Africa

Aspirant Top Earner In Network Marketing In South Africa.0817010434


Make Money in MLM or Network Marketing Industry In South Africa

Acknowledgement:Article Extracted from Joanne J

Network Marketing has helped people of all genders, professions, experience, financial status and education achieve financial independence and build a lucrative business.
As a means of product distribution, network marketing has been around for a very long time. The late 1800’s saw many new companies employing door-to-door salesmen to distribute anything from books to bibles to remedies. Familiar names like Watkins were selling liniment in the 1860’s and the California Perfume Company (or Avon as we know it today) was founded in the late 1800’s.
In the early 1900’s, the Fuller Brush Company made its debut along with the Electrolux vacuum cleaner and Britannica encyclopedias. By the 1940’s a company called California Vitamins found they could increase their sales by having more sales representative sell a small amount of product each rather than the traditional method of having a few sales representative sell a lot of product. They also discovered their increasing customer base was made up of family and friends of their existing sales representatives. Later changing their name to Nutrilite Food Supplement Corporation, they created new sales representatives from their customer base and a commission system was developed. By rewarding both teams and individuals for their sales efforts, network marketing was born. In the late 1950’s, and based on the same network marketing concept, two inspiring entrepreneurs founded Amway (short for “the American Way”). Fifty years later this well established network marketing company is still going strong.
Also known as MuIti-Level Marketing or MLM, it is estimated there are more than 50 million people worldwide involved in network marketing, generating almost 100 billion in annual wholesale revenue. Recognized as one of the fastest growing industries in the world today, more and more companies are choosing to capitalize on this growing trend and sell their products directly to the consumer.
Network marketing provides people the opportunity to build a network of distributors, providing everyone the equal opportunity to help others and make money in the process. It is a marketing system that allows anyone to start from the bottom and move to the top by building their own business. And one of the greatest advantages of MLM’s is that it gives you the opportunity to enjoy making new friends and helping others while receiving a residual income.
Network marketing can be a very productive business providing you with a very fulfilling lifestyle. Billionaire John Paul Getty is quoted as saying, “I would rather have 1% of the efforts of a hundred people rather than 100% of my own effort.”
A good MLM program is the best business to get involved with and your own efforts are what make it happen. With minimal investment and an exceptional compensation plan, network marketing offers anyone the opportunity to build a successful business while helping others to do the same.
People helping people. That’s what it’s all about, and truly the real rewards of network marketing!
#MakeMoney #ChangeyourLive #ExtraincomeinSouthAfrica #Startmakingmoney #TopNetworkmarketinthemaking #ShadiNhlapo #MaboshadiNhlaponetwormarketer

Monday 13 June 2016

What is Forever Living Products?

Acknowlegement:Extracted from Ruly Post

For over 30 years, Forever Living Products has dedicated itself to seeking out nature's best sources for health and beauty and sharing them with the world. Founded in 1978, FOREVER rewrote the book on how to put nature's best sources for health to work for you. Our complete family of ALOE VERA drinks, skin care products and cosmetics brings the remarkable properties of ALOE to the entire body. Add that to our full line of nutritional supplements and products from the bee hive, and you have a complete system for naturally achieving better health and beauty.

Today, FOREVER is a multi-billion dollar company doing business in over 137 countries as the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of ALOE VERA.  Approximately 9.5 million distributors worldwide enjoy the support, tools and guidance required to live healthier and wealthier lives

At FOREVER, we have dedicated ourselves to seeking out nature’s best source for health and beauty and offering them to the world.  We are very proud that they have benefited millions around the world, and we promise to continue our pursuit of quality and excellence, thus ensuring that we continue to give you what you need to maintain the vitality you deserve.

Forever Living South South Africa,Network Marketing South Africa

Extracted from Rulyn T

What makes FOREVER stand out and how does FOREVER compare with the competition?

What makes FOREVER stand out and how does FOREVER compare with the competition?

The one thing that puts FOREVER in the forefront is its commitment to only produce products of the best quality. FOREVER keeps in check its products from the plant right up to the customer, From its very own plantations through to processing, manufacturing and finally distribution of its products, FOREVER ensures that the efficacy and potency of its aloe vera is kept at maximum levels through measures such as 100% organic farming, non-utilisation of pesticides, patented stabilisation process, gygienic manufacturing environment and strigent quality controls.

Aloe vera is always the main basic ingredient in FOREVER's aloe products; not just merely a few drops of it as is found in many competing brands. While there are over 300 known species of aloe, only 4 types are found to have beneficial properties for consumption. Of the 5, the Barbadensis Miller species is recognised to be the most potent. FOREVER plants and uses only mature leaves of this species in its products, an assurance that only the best and fully potent aloe is harvested for use. 
For more details, please refer to the known constituents of aloe vera and their beneficial properties.

The bioactivity of the Aloe will decrease drastically within a few hours after being harvested due to enzymatic activities. Our patented 100% stabilisation processes is able to maintain the bioactivity of the harvested Aloe, extending its usefulness significantly. Our 10% stabilized Aloe Vera has been tested to be essentially identical to raw freshly harvested Aloe Vera. 

All FOREVER's aloe products carry the Seal of Approval of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), the only recognised independent body formed to certify the purity of aloe vera. FOREVER occupies the pole position with more certified products than anyone else. FOREVER's products were also the first to obtain this Seal of Approval back in 1986. The above speaks for itsself the purity and quality of FOREVER's aloe vera and futher enforces FOREVER's position as the World Leader in aloe vera.

Kosher rating has been given to FOREVER products that meet rigid standards of purity and quality. To receive this important rating, a Rabbi representing a certified laboratory must inspect the plant operations, formula, processing steps and the ingredients. Only when it is determined that everything is in compliance with their very high standards is a rating granted. In many circles, products with a Kosher rating are looked upon as being of higher quality. There are many religious groups that use this symbol as their guide to safe and quality products.

CERTIFIED HALAL by The Islamic Society of California

Another award came from The Islamic Society of California who tested several products and certified that they met all the requirements for product quality and acceptability to the Society. These very high standards reflect FOREVER's attention to cleanliness and purity in all stages of manufacture and packaging.

Friday 10 June 2016

Extracted from John P article

Today we will be looking on the subject Making Money through Network Marketing...Lets Go
What is Network Marketing and how exactly does it work?
Many of you reading this may have come across the term ‘network marketing’ before. It’s one of several interesting and exciting business concepts that are helping thousands of people across the world to earn a decent income.
Before we continue with the rest of this very detailed and eye-opening article, it is important that we fully understand exactly what network marketing is and how it works in real life.
To keep it simple, let’s use one of the world’s most popular product brands that you know and probably consume a lot – Coca Cola!
How did that chilled bottle of Coca Cola in your refrigerator get to you? It is very likely that you bought it at a shop in your neighbourhood or at a supermarket in town.
Well, that bottle of Coca Cola had to travel through several hands (or middlemen) before it ended up in that shop where you bought it. From the factory where it was produced and bottled, it was sold to a major distributor who sold some of it to a wholesaler who sold smaller chunks to the retailer (a shop or supermarket) who sold it to you.
This is a clear example of a traditional way of marketing and distributing a product.
Because of the number of middlemen involved (distributors, wholesalers and retailers), the traditional distribution chain is usually long. However, the sad thing about this type of distribution is that everybody in the chain makes money from the product except you (the final consumer).
In fact, consumers in a traditional marketing system cannot buy products directly from the factory or producer; people like you and I must wait until Coca Cola reaches the retailers before we can buy the quantities we want.
Network marketing and distribution (popularly known as ‘direct selling’) is very different from the traditional version.
Under network marketing, factories and producers prefer to sell products directly to ordinary people (that’s why it’s called ‘direct selling’). This concept, which cuts away all the middlemen, allows ordinary people like you and I to sign up directly with the factory or product manufacturer to buy and/or distribute a product.
As a distributor, you can buy products directly from manufacturers at very low prices and make a profit by selling to other people. You also earn commissions for referring other people (friends, family or total strangers) to sign up as distributors.
Because network marketing companies sell their products directly to consumers, they usually spend very little on advertising and sales of their products. As a result, many of them pay out huge bonuses to their distributors who sell large volumes of products during the year.
Apart from the profits, commissions and bonuses that can be made as a distributor for a network marketing company, the thing that makes this business opportunity very attractive is the passive or residual income that it can make for you.
Passive or residual income is money that you make without any active effort. Unlike a 9-to-5 job which you must work at in order to earn a wage or salary, passive income doesn’t require your efforts or presence; it just keeps rolling in.
Other popular passive income streams include: investment in stocks, real estate, and interest on your bank savings account.
Many people often refer to ‘network marketing’ as ‘multi-level marketing’; both terms are very closely related and we’ll explain:
Author John P.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Meet Maboshadi Nhlapo, A qualified Cost Accountant by Profession. A seasoned business owner of few businesses among them an Online store called Teiburry Fashion. www.teiburry.co.za. Recently she has also became a Professional Network Marketer for a Global Company. Maboshadi entered in the network marketing industry without a mentor but she decided to roll up her sleeves and learnt all that could be learned in this industry. She was inspired by her upliner who in no time made in roads in this industry and decided to join in and learn secrets to success  in MLM industry. Maboshadi is ready to coach anyone who wants to take a leap of faith to learn more about the industry.Should you be ready to make a decision to learn more about Network Marketing in South Africa you are more than welcome to give her a call at 073 959 5744. 

You can also connect with her via her Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/maboshadi.nhlapo.